I´ve been a customer of
Vaserv since the 28th of October of 2008. My overall experience has been very good ( I´ve only had some issues in which I had to request IP tables modifications and so on).
I took Web hosting as an important matter and did a deep research before deciding which company I should get. My only usage of this VPS ( a low end account with 128 mb of ram VPS and with an excellent connectivity) is using it as a VPN for me and my co-workers to provide a good level of privacy while working in a secure way using Open VPN.
As a control panel I´ve been using
LxAdmin and I´ve been quite happy but I saw a wall when I tried to park more than 40 domains using another VPS that I have with
Whirlhost a company owned by some Aussie guys but with server in San Jose, Cal).
After seeking further control and having additional features I had the idea ( 4 days ago) to migrate to
Webmin control panel which is free and I had a bad feeling as my buddie told me that If I wanted to have more than 40 domains I should pay LxLabs a fee ( which I dislike as there is no reason to do such a thing). Another thing I´ve been told ( of course I cant confirm) is that LxLabs has access to clients control panel in order to check if the company that hosts him has paid the royalty of half a buck per VPS node.
My idea was to pay a new RPS ( a Real Private Server which is a dedicated server without its own hard drive) and connected to a iSCSI SAN) and migrate all my current data to those RPS to try a new experience. The company that offers it, is the French based
OVH and the products are a budget line solutions made to play ( as said by them) more than to work (which has made me doubt if I should hire them). Another decisive thing is that clients can only be from a reduced number of countries and I should have asked a friend of mine to pay for it for me.
The weird thing of this whole story is that 3 days ago my VPN would not connect to the server ( located in vaservs servers). I tried to access to my account via the control panel and after failing to access the LxAdmin I start grabbing my head questioning why this can be taking place. I recall that Vaserv has not sent me the past 3 bills ( even though I requested them to send them in 3 different ocassions). I proceed to open a thread at WHT/Webhostingtalk.com ( forum in which I am member and really enjoy this guys who really know what they are doing).
After I finish posting my thread I realise that someone commented something about
FSCK (one of many companies belonging to Vaserv). To my surprise all of the VPS accounts on Vaserv servers had been hacked and compromised. As a result Rus Foster (owner of Vaserv) decided to pull off the server while he and his team could establish the problems. The problem seemed to be a guy that apparently was a Vaserv customer and hacked into the main servers using a vulnerability in Lxlabs´s Lx admin.
As a consequence of this hack LxLabs lost its credibility as a realiable control panel. The owner of the Indian company was a 32 year old guy named KT Ligesh who decided to eliminate himself due to having personal previous problems ( his sister commited suicide) and his products contracts were not renewed as a product of this hack. This was a sad news to all the hosting industry.