lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Cold War Ukranian Monster

This cold-war gadget who had as a purpose the detection in early stages of ballistic missiles (and from thousands of miles away) and it worked by detecting alterations in ionosphere propagation of the missiles exhaust plume.
A very curious thing about this strcuture is that it has a very close relationship with a world know human tragedy: Chernobyl nuclear power plant. ( see map to look how close to the nuclear power plant it is).
Out of Chernobil ( located in the city of Prypiat) the enormous radar from the Soviet era which can be seen from very distant places.
This secret radar called Duga-3 worked in the 10 hz ( cycles per second) and was so powerful that it interfered with hobbists radios from nearby countries ( who didnt know where this noise came from. The sound that produced in the interfered radios was a tapping noise ( to which the hobbists described as a Woodpecker noise). By the time it was operation NATO already knew of its existance and gave the monster a code codename : Steel Yard ( by Nato).

As you already know radars require electric power to work and this one wasn´t an exception. This 900 meters wide structure needed an incredibly large power: 4 thousand MW ( New York consumed 11 thousand MW in 2003). To such requirement only one thing could handle such a load: a nuclear power plant. And which power plant? Nothing less that the 5 reactors of Chernobyl ( at the time of the disaster only 4 were functional).

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