We all love having a speedy internet connection ( some like me are desiring the appropriate "technology" to knock my countries door. Have you ever asked yourself how data is transmitted from two distant points like New York and London? In case you don´t know the answer is pretty simple and yet curious : submarine cables containing optical fiber. Due to the high tensile strength ( imagine waves hitting the cables in all its length : 5586km) special materials that had been and are used by Nasa are used to assure communications in both continents. The cable that is in charge of transmiting data ( Internet and telephone ) have a diameter of around 70mm. You´ve heard about of optical fiber and use it indirectly but you dont know what it is, here I will try to provide an approach with this quote :strands of optically pure glass as thin as a human hair that carry digital information over long distances.
Some countries who rely on a purely multi homed optical fiber grid, usually have their connections knocked down due to several reasons including : fishermen that cut cables with their gear, earthquakes and pirates. Pirates cut cables in order to earn some money as optical fiber, PET film, copper and other materials that are contained in the cable can be quite pricey!
Regarding the distribution scheme of the undersea cables, most of it has a similar pattern to what it used to be the telegraph undersea system.